Club Adventures


This dream was a pleasant reminder of how much I enjoy hanging out with my closest friends.

In it, my friend Cait had just broken up with her horrible boyfriend. A third friend and I decided to go with her to this amazing club with good music and attractive people. I bumped into a group of college students who wanted to start a band. Their sound was very interesting to me, but I was not as crazy about their idea of naming the band after a really nice type of Chinese noodle.

Back to my friends: We were drunk and just really enjoying the music. Cait’s ranting about how her ex-boyfriend is already in another relationship. Our friend replies, “Well yeah. He’s a jerk, but he’s a guy.”

Later on, I tell the story about the band. I say, “They wanted to name themselves after Chinese noodles! I told them they should think about adding another word to it. Just one more word…”

Our friend laughs. “I don’t know about Chinese words but maybe it’s like a band calling themselves spaghetti?”

“Imagine if a band named themselves ‘Spaghetti’!” My friends shriek in laughter.

I wake up and can still hear the club music.

Lonely Darkness


It was still dark outside when my 5 year old brother came to wake me up because he was feeling lonely. I told him he can crawl into bed and stay with me as long as he sleeps too. He agreed, but next thing I know he’s left the room, so I forced myself to get up and followed him. He’s in the hallway and had turned on music. “Look at this!” he said, trying to show me his newest toy and get me to play. I tried to show him that our aunt was still sleeping and he needed to turn off the music. He wasn’t listening. Then I woke up and realized it had been a dream. It was still night so my room was pitch black. I had that uncomfortable feeling that someone was in my room next to my bed, probably my brother (but I imagined something much more sinister) so I tried to look but it was too dark. I could hear my parents talking on the floor above me. I knew I had to find my phone and turn on the flashlight to convince myself no one was in my room with me. I forced myself to get up, and in that moment I opened my eyes for real. I had been dreaming the whole time. The room actually is bright enough for me to see that nothing is here. I check the time; I’ve only slept an hour.