Exhausting Adventures

December 3, 2017

They were alerted to who I am. Why else did they randomly summon 10 people after me? I immediately began darting around desks in an attempt to escape the massive classroom. The sounds told me they were right behind me. Don’t look back. Keep going. You can do it! The sounds of my pursuers got louder. Why did I get myself into this mess? Suddenly… I woke up, breathing hard. My arms feel a bit numb. I take a moment to compose myself and then check my phone: three hours of sleep. Ugh. It’s nights like this that make me dislike sleep. Just when I think I can relax, the dreams drag me back into their exhausting adventures.

2 thoughts on “Exhausting Adventures

  1. I love interpreting dreams. There are a bunch of really cool sites online that you can use to interpret symbols and different things in your dreams to tie them together. I used to keep a dream journal and it was crazy how much I learned about myself through my dreams. I think one site I used to use was called dreammoods.com (I believe.) anyway, great start! Will follow 🙂

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