Club Adventures


This dream was a pleasant reminder of how much I enjoy hanging out with my closest friends.

In it, my friend Cait had just broken up with her horrible boyfriend. A third friend and I decided to go with her to this amazing club with good music and attractive people. I bumped into a group of college students who wanted to start a band. Their sound was very interesting to me, but I was not as crazy about their idea of naming the band after a really nice type of Chinese noodle.

Back to my friends: We were drunk and just really enjoying the music. Cait’s ranting about how her ex-boyfriend is already in another relationship. Our friend replies, “Well yeah. He’s a jerk, but he’s a guy.”

Later on, I tell the story about the band. I say, “They wanted to name themselves after Chinese noodles! I told them they should think about adding another word to it. Just one more word…”

Our friend laughs. “I don’t know about Chinese words but maybe it’s like a band calling themselves spaghetti?”

“Imagine if a band named themselves ‘Spaghetti’!” My friends shriek in laughter.

I wake up and can still hear the club music.

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