
Date Unknown

My brother, sister, and I are driving in separate cars in a high-speed chase along a cliffside. I’m not quite sure how we got there. In reality, none of us knew how to drive at the time of my dream, which gave everything a very surreal quality. I am in front of everyone else, and the road is dangerously twisty. Suddenly I miss a turn and go flying off the cliff into the water. Everything goes black. I come to and realize I am floating in the void. There is nothing but darkness surrounding me. Although I can see my body, I have no desire to do anything.

“…Oh, I’m dead.”

The realization echoes around me. I see myself now as if the view had changed to a camera trained on me. I am not myself; it is someone else’s body. I wake up.

4 thoughts on “Witness

  1. Okay the end was a little creepy (nice~) but as I was reading I then imagined u in a serious speed race, me just playing Mario Kart (my friends have been talking a lot about the game) and then our little brother in a toy car with shades…

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  2. I like this. I have actually had dreams where either I die in a car spinning out of control or someone I care about does and I feel the guilt even after I wake up. I believe that dreams, even those of death have some meaning in our life. Well done.

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    • Thank you! I do think people find dreams about death especially intriguing, me included. There’s a saying that if you die in your dream, you don’t wake up lol. Obviously not true, but definitely shows how much emphasis we put on them. I find it interesting that I have never dreamed about the death of myself or someone I know.

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