Let’s Talk: Recurring Dreams

Hi everyone,

I am curious to know if you guys have had recurring dreams and how they go for you. I personally have had three types of recurring dreams in my life:

  1. Multiple nights where I’ll have the same dream, and events repeat themselves completely, so that once I wake up I get a massive sense of deja vu. These dreams feel very trapping because it gives me the sense I’m doomed to repeat myself when they occur.
  2. Multiple nights where I’ll dream of the same location, but everything else in the dream is different. Maybe it’s a house and I decide to explore another area of it, or maybe it’s an apartment where something else happens instead of what occurred last time. It reminds me of picking up a video game where I last left off.
  3. A single night where the dream just loops seemingly endlessly for my entire time asleep. These are the most tiring and feel as if I am repeating a short film over and over.

Have any of you had dreams you call “recurring”? How do they go? Let’s talk.

13 thoughts on “Let’s Talk: Recurring Dreams

  1. I usually never have dreams but the ones I remember that were reoccurring were me falling in the sky, no idea why I started falling and I never landed anywhere, eventually I just wake up.
    Another one I’ve had was me being in my house but a clown was chasing after me. I had to save my mom from a old stone hole in the ground that she should’ve been able to get out of herself, since it was only about three feet deep, but couldn’t. I would then have to run into the living room and out the door leading outside and there’s just a car with the rest of my family inside across the street. Once I get across the street I’m back at square one and have to do everything all over again. I would wake up multiple times that night but once I go back to sleep everything starts all over again. It didn’t help that I have a small fear of clowns either. That dream just continued to the next night too. Not the scariest dream I’ve had but the clown still creeped me out.

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    • Hey sis! I’ve had that falling dream a few times too as a kid. I always land awake in my bed! Strangely enough I almost never dream about family or people I know. Those are some pretty wild chasing dreams you have there. I have had chasing dreams, but I usually don’t know what’s chasing me. I suppose I dislike the malevolent unknown more than any one specific entity like clowns. It’s super interesting comparing recurring dreams with you!


  2. I haven’t had them for awhile, but I used to have similar dreams about being back at school – either high school or university. They would usually have me missing a class, being late on assignments, or not being able to find my locker. I think it was because I found school difficult from a social standpoint more than an academic one.

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    • The dreams you described are very relatable! The social side of schooling is definitely important. For many of us in the first couple decades of our lives, it is our main medium of social interaction.

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  3. For some reason I repeatedly have this dream that I’m in my last semester and horribly bombing all my classes and destroying my GPA, making grad school/scholarships impossible, even though I’ve already graduated just fine, lol. I guess because I’m so constantly worrying about what I *will* accomplish, if anything at all, I tend to dream in a way that diminishes things that are already done. Or something, anyway – who knows what our brain nonsense means!

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    • What we are constantly concerned with during our waking hours can most certainly permeate our dreams. Just remember that our dreams tend to focus on our worse doubts, and you’ve already accomplished much of the stuff you dream about failing!


  4. I have a recurring dream where someone is able to “get in” but I never see them, am hurt by them, or even know who they are. I’ve had the dream hundreds of times and the way I know they “got in” is that I will find a door opened, a window cracked, stuff like that. The clue of the intruder is always different (no one dream is the same — like a snowflake!). The dream is always really scary even though almost nothing happens! I hate it when I have that dream!

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  5. I have dreams where I’m stuck in a constant loop of running and drowning. As somebody who suffers from invasive thoughts, I can’t control a majority of what I think and I can’t quiet my mind, and it carries into my dreams. I’m constantly dreaming of watching everyone else swim while I’m barely treading and slowly drowning, but as I am also running from my problems by not stopping it.

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    • Our worst thoughts often manifest in our dreams! This is especially true for feelings of doubt or entrapment, in my experience. That’s also why we should take such dreams with a grain of salt. It took me many years to come to terms with the fact that a night of sucky dreams does not have to darken my entire day.


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