Sleep: The Soul-Sucking Abyss

I stare at the darkness inside my head.

Counting sheep…

I count the ways I prepared for sleep.

The day plays like a movie.

Can I get a refund?

Even good movies aren’t worth buying sometimes.

The cat’s paws clack past my door.

I feel the pang in my heart of my old cat, gone.

Am I ready for a new cat?

My bed is.

My room is.

Sleep: the soul-sucking abyss.

Less so with a cat of my own.

Too awake to do nothing.

Too tired to get up.

Play with my phone.

“Bright screens reduce your melatonin levels.”

Put down the phone.

Play with my head.

Throw the thoughts around.




The silence is deafening.

Do every trick in the book.

Slowly I become immune.

Last week it was 5am; now it is 7am.

Embrace me, sleep.


Dreams. I wake up. Back asleep. Dreams. Alarm. Awake. Shut off. Back to sleep. Dreams. Dreams dreams dreams DREAMS. Alarm. Dreams. Alarm. Wake up. Wake up!


I shut off the rest of the alarms.


My baaaack.

It doesn’t matter how much or little I sleep.

The dreams never stop.

My brain never stops.

My soul is dead.

The house…

The house is empty.

No distractions.

Just me and my dreams on replay.

Can I get a refund?

What now?

Get up.

Brush teeth.

Get dressed.

The day begins.

On my shoulder sits the soul-sucking abyss known as Sleep.

Let’s Talk: More or Less Dreams?

I remember multiple dreams almost every night. I have mornings where I wake up from dreams so upsetting that I lose it. It’s pretty bad sometimes. The past couple of years I’ve been trying to get it looked at from a medical standpoint, but so far nothing to write about. I guess I’m an unusual case. For now, I never know what to expect when I close my eyes. Boy do I have some traumatizing dreams I could share with you guys…

Anyway, now you have an idea how I feel about this. How about you guys? Would you rather have more or less dreams? Let’s talk.