The Tattered Tome


I was a man whose life was tied to the condition of a really old, worn-out book. It was my storybook, and the tattered tome was so beat-up that the text was no longer legible. My life was ending soon. I went to find the author of my story to try and extend my life. Instead, I met his brother, and we fell in love. He learned about the book and snuck onto the author’s computer to try and find the ending to my story, but we were caught before he succeeded. The author tried to tell us something; we ran away before we could hear it. In that moment, I had the sinking suspicion that he was going to tell us that I am willing to kill to keep myself alive. Unfortunately, I woke up before I could find out my true nature…


Date Unknown

My brother, sister, and I are driving in separate cars in a high-speed chase along a cliffside. I’m not quite sure how we got there. In reality, none of us knew how to drive at the time of my dream, which gave everything a very surreal quality. I am in front of everyone else, and the road is dangerously twisty. Suddenly I miss a turn and go flying off the cliff into the water. Everything goes black. I come to and realize I am floating in the void. There is nothing but darkness surrounding me. Although I can see my body, I have no desire to do anything.

“…Oh, I’m dead.”

The realization echoes around me. I see myself now as if the view had changed to a camera trained on me. I am not myself; it is someone else’s body. I wake up.